Reciprocal library arrangements exist for members visiting other states of Australia.
Agreement has been reached between the major interstate Societies listed below and our Society.
Our members are able to visit these libraries free of charge through the reciprocal arrangement.
Your membership card with the current year must be shown to the Duty Librarian of the Society you are visiting.
There may be some sections of the Library that may not be available through the reciprocal arrangements.
The Society of Australian Genealogists (NSW)
Genealogical Society of Queensland (Qld)
Queensland Family History Society Inc (Qld)
Redland Genealogical Society Inc (Qld)
South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc (SA)
Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra (ACT)
Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc (WA)
Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc (Vic)
Family History Connections (Vic)
New Zealand Society of Genealogists (NZ)