LIBRARY HOURS as usual up until and including
Wednesday 11th December 2024
Will be Saturday 14th December 2024
On this day we will have our last General Meeting. If you are not available to attend the meeting please call in as we always have afternoon tea and too much food.
Tuesday 17th December GSNT library will be open from 10am to 4pm
Wednesday 18th December GSNT library will be open from 6pm to 9pm
Wednesday 8th January GSNT library will be open from 6pm to 9pm
Wednesday 15th January GSNT library will be open from 6pm to 9pm
Wednesday 22nd January GSNT library will be open from 6pm to 9pm
Thursday 16th January GSNT library will be open 10am to 4pm
will be Tuesday 28th January 2025
our usual library hours will apply. (Monday is a Public Holiday)

Our Library reopens on Tuesday 28th January 2025 – 9.30am to 5.15pm
Address: Unit 1, Harry Giese Building, 1 Willeroo Street, Tiwi, NT. 0810
(off Henbury Ave, Tiwi)
Our Library will continue to open on the following days:-
Monday & Tuesdays 9.30am to 5.15pm
Wednesdays 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Saturdays 1.00pm to 5.30pm
Our first General Meeting will be on 8 February 2025 at 1.30pm – all are welcome

FamilySearch Celebrates 130 Years of Family Discovery

SALT LAKE CITY, UT-Family Search International, a global nonprofit, is proud to celebrate 130 years of revolutionizing family discovery and connection. Following its founding as the Genealogical Society of Utah on November 13, 1894, the organization has been committed to inspiring people everywhere to connect with their family—across generations, past, present, and future. FamilySearch continues to make significant strides in fulfilling that mission.
FamilySearch Milestones in Recent Years
- In 2021, FamilySearch completed the monumental feat of digitizing its 2.4 million rolls of containing historical genealogical records from 200+ countries and principalities and making them easily viewable online through a new image viewer. The free online collections provide patrons with easy access to information for more than 11 billion ancestors.
- FamilySearch began using Artificial Intelligence advancements to help index its billions of newly digitized, historical genealogical documents more quickly. The AI is being trained to read ancient handwriting from digital copies of old records in a growing number of languages, enabling quicker record searches and more discoveries. Online volunteers help refine the accuracy of the AI’s output and record indexes by using FamilySearch’s new Get Involved tool.
- RootsTech by FamilySearch, the premier global family discovery event, began offering free online access to its classes during the global pandemic, further expanding the reach of the conference to millions of participants worldwide. The 2024 event attracted nearly 5 million online attendees, and participants made over 350 million family connections.
FamilySearch Today
FamilySearch stands as the largest global genealogical organization with more than 1.5 billion people in its collaborative online family tree. FamilySearch has more than 18 billion searchable historical records and images today—a 3-fold increase since 2019. Such growth is significantly increasing patron opportunities to make new and exciting family discoveries. In addition, with more than 6,000 FamilySearch centers now dotting the world for individuals to receive free local search assistance, making more family connections is easier than ever before.
Steve Rockwood, FamilySearch CEO, said, “FamilySearch is all about building relationships—helping each of us discover more about ourselves and our family connections. We invite individuals worldwide to utilize our free services to preserve and share the fond family memories that are in their minds and hearts. We are honored to help make these joyful and inspirational family discoveries happen at an accelerated pace and are excited for the future. The best is yet to come.”
Rockwood also recognized the invaluable services of others in the industry. “FamilySearch’s accomplishments, in-part, can be attributed to its unique role as a facilitator of innovation and collaboration with many amazing industry friends—companies and organizations that also create and provide wonderful innovative experiences to help individuals make fun discoveries, connections, and memories,” he added.
To commemorate the 130th anniversary milestone, FamilySearch invites the public to discover more about their personal family history for free at FamilySearch.org and to share their experiences online by using #foundatfamilysearch.
Story Quotes from FamilySearch Users
- “My mother never knew her father. She only had a picture and a name. I went to the FamilySearch Library. They helped me! There was a draft card that had my grandfather’s name…and a location on it. It opened the door to finding many other relatives!” J. Gustavson.
- “FamilySearch Hinting identified a new record that opens up a dead-end line of my wife’s family (tree) we have had for years!” B. Weekes
- “I set up a free online consultation to get help with the Italian side of my family research. Little did I know Daniel (FamilySearch online helper) would open my world up and help me find my paternal great grandparents and their parents!” R. Grow
- “Using the ‘Relatives Around Me’ app on FamilySearch.org, I have had the opportunity to find extended family that I didn’t know about. At a genealogy event in Mexico City, I found cousins…and extended our ancestral lines.” A. Cuellar
About FamilySearch
FamilySearch International is the largest genealogy organization in the world. They are a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Millions of people use their records, resources, and services to learn more about their family history. To help in this great pursuit, FamilySearch and its predecessors have been actively gathering, preserving, and sharing genealogical records worldwide for over 130 years. People access our services and resources free online at FamilySearch.org or through over 6,000 FamilySearch centers in 129 countries, including the main FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Our GSNT Library is an “Affiliate Library” with FamilySearch if you cannot view some records they maybe available to view in our Library through our Affiliate Library status.
Please contact the Secretary on 0412 018015, or the NT Genealogical Society on (08) 89817363 during library hours Mon – Tues 9.30 – 5.15 Sat 1 pm – 5.30 or email committee@gsnt.org.au