Membership Forms & Fees


Regardless of when you join the Society, all memberships become due on 1st July. 

If you join between 1 January and 30 April you will pay only half the annual fee and therefore your membership will become due again on the 1st July. 

If you join after 1 May you will pay the full annual fee to cover you until the following July i.e. 14 months.

If an existing membership is renewed part way through the financial year you will still be required to pay the full year’s subscription.​


New Member :-

Renewal Member :-

Membership CategoryCodeFees
Single CountrySC$33.00
Single Pensioner
Family*F$48.00 for 1st person per
additional family member
at same address
Family CountryFC$33.00 for 1st person per
additional family member
at same address
Family Pensioner 
FP$33.00 for 1st person plus
$25 per additional family pensioner
at same address
New Member Joining FeeFee$10.00
Overseas – Journal OnlyAUD $25.00


  • The membership year is from 1 July through to 30 June.
  • Family membership means two members at the one address.
  • Country membership means members living beyond Batchelor in the Northern Territory.
  • Those membership types marked with * maybe used in conjunction with the Northern Territory Seniors Card to receive a 10% discount.
  • Payment:-  cheque, cash, bank transfer BSB 633 000 Account 175737568 (Bendigo Bank Nightcliff NT). Please quote your surname as a reference.