About our Library


In 1981 a small group of about ten enthusiastic people interested in family history gathered with an aim to form an association, official registration followed and GSNT was born in late November 1981.

From the very beginning, we were involved in fundraising to purchase resources for our Library. We also recognized that there was next to nothing available for family historians wanting to know more about their Territory ancestors. So began our indexing projects.

At first, this small group met in the meeting room of the Darwin Family History Centre of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Membership increased and we were offered accommodation in Cavenagh Street Darwin. We stayed at this address for 34 years. We then moved to 84 Smith Street where we stayed for just over 5 years. We were fortunate to secure accommodation at our current address at Unit 1, 1 Willeroo Street, Tiwi, NT. 0810. This is part of a large complex of buildings that include office accommodation for many outside organizations working in disability, Harry’s Café, plus the Harry Giese Building where our Library is located. The complex is managed by Carpentaria Disability Services.

Monday & Tuesday 9.30 am to 5.15 pm
Wednesday 6 pm to 9 pm
Saturday 1 pm to 5.30 pm
Telephone (08) 89817363

The Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory Inc wishes to acknowledge the support of the Northern Territory Government, the Northern Territory Archives Service, the Northern Territory Library and the National Archives of Australia, Nightcliff NT Branch.

of the Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory Inc :-
(a) to promote genealogical study and family history research;
(b) to further the study of genealogy by the collection of historical data;
(c) to educate in genealogy and family history methods;
(d) to encourage the preservation of personal history records, and
(e) to publish appropriate material and operate a reference and research centre.

The Harry Giese Building, 1 Willeroo Street, Tiwi. NT. (Willeroo Street is off Henbury Ave., Tiwi.

The General Meetings of the Society are held, with exception of January, on the second Saturday of each month at 1.30 pm. The meetings are held in our Library in the Harry Giese Building, 1 Willeroo Street, Tiwi. NT. (Willeroo Street is off Henbury Avenue)   

Our AGM is held on the second Saturday in August each year commencing at 1.30 pm
All positions are declared vacant, nominations received by the Secretary are then subject to a vote by the meeting.